Hello friends! Just want to be sure you’re aware that Ben & David Crystal’s ShakespearesWords.com is giving unlimited-access-to-all for 24 hours tomorrow (April 23rd) to celebrate Mr S’s birthday and also the 1 year anniversary of the site’s launch. If you aren’t a member of the site yet this is a great chance to check out all the features, from the basic (& yet amazing!) ability to look up a word in the glossary & the canon:

looking up the word bodkin
Word-lookup in action.

all the way to the epically cool: character relationship diagrams for every play

Thomas Cranmer on the Circles diagrom for Henry VIII
I'm reading Cranmer. Where do I fit in all this? And who the heck is Doctor Butts?

or the ability to pull your role (roll) out of the script by clicking on your character’s name!!

the sides for Cranmer
All I care about are my lines...

They’ve also added a new Thesaurus where you can look up any word & see what words Shakespeare used in his plays to mean the same thing!

There’s tons of other cool features on the site: each character by number of lines, lengths of acts & scenes, ability to download the Folio transcriptions as .DOC files, etc etc etc!

Check it out:
