Vicious Mole Theatre Collective by Andrew Codispoti (support my work)
Published: Sun, May 1, 2022; Updated: Sun, May 1, 2022
Reading time: 2 minute(s) (400 words)
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 (details)

Dear friends,

Happy International Workers’ Day & May Day! Did you know that the collective noun for a group of moles is a labour? On topic, I promise…

Many of you have had little previews of this venture – some of you have heard me mumbling about it for years – but today I’m pleased to “launch” this thing officially into public:

Vicious Mole Theatre Collective

Vicious Mole will be a container for the theatre projects I’m initiating in New Hampshire & beyond, as well as workshops & classes offered to the general community (not just theatre professionals). I’ll be initiating the projects & curating the ever-changing ensemble, but I’m naming it a collective because I want the projects to operate with shared ownership of the artistic output, rather than the vision of a director leading the way.

The mission is “to nurture compassion & communication in our selves & our communities”. A core operating principle is to release as much of our work as possible into the artistic commons – when possible, there will be no financial barrier to entry to hear/see our performances or participate in our workshops. I’m working with a fiscal sponsor called Open Collective Foundation which provides an umbrella 501(c)3, so donations are tax-deductible for those in the U.S. We’ll rely on donations from patrons to keep tickets free or near-to-free as often as possible.

I have productions planned for this Summer, and the dates for those will be announced soon. There’s a Subscribe page on the website for our email list.

If you saw our Tempest in 2019 or Midsummer in 2021, you have an idea what the aesthetic of Vicious Mole performances will be – minimalistic, experimental, joyous & fierce. If it’s something you’re interested in, I encourage you to sign up on the email list for updates about how you can see, hear, or play! If you’re able, we deeply appreciate your donations and recurring support – just click the Support Us link on the website.

I’m terribly excited that this dream is finally emerging into the waking world where we can share it with you.

Please let me know if you have any questions – I look forward to hearing from you!